Jumat, 30 Maret 2018

3 Causes Men Have Bald in the Age of 20s

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3 Causes Men Have Bald in the Age of 20s


Jakarta, hair development that has not lasted once more until the baldness often makes men fear, because it will also lower confidence in it. Not only in the age of 40-th., Baldness can also take place in the age of 20 th .. Why? Hair specialist from Sweden, dr Fred Zuli and researchers from Italy, dr Falvio Ferrari, reveals three causes why men can experience baldness at a young age, such as taken Times of India, Thursday (5/23/2013): 1. StressDr Ferrari reveal stress can cause baldness faced by men at a young age. The current high levels of urban stress are increasingly high as well as the number of men at a young age who are naturally bald. 2. Lack of healthy nutrition "" Nutrition is so necessary for the development of hair, until you have to give it to eat, "" said a trichologist, dr Apoorva Shahdr Shah. Braids on food and hair are quite simple. Hair is divided into proteins that are keratin, so it is necessary to include enough protein in the daily diet. Lack of protein consumption makes the body put the protein there for the benefit of different to make the hair lose nutrients. Dr. Shah suggested for consumption of spinach, almond, walnut, tofu and milk. Consuming green tea is also efficient because it can inhibit the emergence of hormone dihydrotestosteron (DHT), a hormone that causes hair loss. 3. Smoking and alcohol drinks Nicotine contained by cigarettes in the know can narrow the blood vessels, to reduce the development of hair and reduce the nutrition for hair. Instantaneous alcohol in the know to absorb iron in the body and prevent the absorption of zinc. Alcohol also leads to dehydration as well as inhibits the body absorbing necessary nutrients. Because a quarter of the hair has a water content, too much alcohol will also always make it fragile. "" Changes in simple lifestyle like sleeping 7-8 hours / day, drinking 1 glass of water every hour, and constant consumption of protein-rich foods on a regular basis can provide 80% healthy changes to the hair, "said dr Ferrari. Dr Shah also revealed, although it is normal to lose on 50-100 strands of hair / day, serious hair loss or alopecia is a sign that something is wrong with the body. Fix hairdo with consumption: - Vitamin B3, B5, B9, and E (oranges, spinach, chicken, fish, broccoli, and soybeans) - Zinc (wheat, milk, wheat, and egg yolks) - Magnesium (milk, tuna , bananas, and cashews) - Iron (fish, green vegetables, cereals, and nuts). (up / up)

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3 Causes of Men Are Bald at Age of 20s Jakarta, hair growth that has not happened again so that baldness often makes men fear, because it will lower confidence. Not only at the age of 40 years, baldness can also occur in the age of 20 years. Why? Hair specialist from Sweden, Dr. Fred Zuli and researchers from Italy, dr Falvio Ferrari, revealed 3 causes why men can experience baldness at a young age, as quoted by the Times of India, Thursday (5/23/2013): 1. StressDr Ferrari express stress can cause baldness experienced by men at a young age. The current high levels of urban community stress are getting bigger as well as the number of men at a young age who experience baldness.2. Less nutritious healthy "" Nutrition is very important for hair growth, so you have to feed it, "" said a trichologist, dr Apoorva Shahdr Shah. The relationship between food and hair is quite simple. Hair is made up of a protein called keratin, so it is important to include enough protein in the daily diet. Less protein intake makes the body store proteins available for other purposes that make the hair lose its nutrients. Dr. Shah recommends eating spinach, almond, walnut, tofu and milk. Consumption of green tea is also effective because it can prevent the onset of hormone dihydrotestosteron (DHT), a hormone that causes hair loss.3. Smoking and alcohol drinks Nicotine contained by cigarettes is known to narrow the blood vessels, thereby reducing hair growth and reducing the nutrients for hair. While alcohol is known to absorb iron in the body and inhibit zinc absorption. Alcohol also causes dehydration and prevents the body from absorbing essential nutrients. Because a quarter of the hair contains water, excessive alcohol will always make it fragile. "" Simple lifestyle changes such as sleeping 7-8 hours per day, drinking 1 glass of water every hour, and always eating foods rich in protein can periodically give 80 percent healthy change for hair, "" said dr Ferrari. Dr Shah also revealed, although it is normal to lose between 50-100 strands of hair per day, serious hair loss or alopecia is a sign that something is wrong with the body. Improve hair structure by consuming: - Vitamin B3, B5, B9, and E (orange, spinach, chicken, fish, broccoli, and soybeans) - Zinc (wheat, milk, wheat, and egg yolk) - Magnesium (milk, , bananas, and cashews) - Iron (fish, green vegetables, cereals, and nuts). (up / up)

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Kamis, 08 Maret 2018

Kolal-kaling Dilalerin bedeutet Borax frei? Experten: Ah, nicht auch

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Kolal-kaling Dilalerin bedeutet Borax frei? Experten: Ah, nicht auch


Jakarta, gefährliche Chemikalien wie Borax sind oft in Lebensmitteln gefunden. Mehrere Male, die Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) berichtet sogar die Ergebnisse der Zutaten in Lebensmitteln takjil.Baca auch: BPOM: 82% der Takjil Snacks Wert zu konsumieren, 18% Not Fulfill Anforderungen Nun, zum Beispiel, die jüngste Ausgabe von Kollusion, die Borax enthält. Um zu unterscheiden, wo gesunde Halsbänder und Halsbänder aus Konservierungsmitteln hergestellt werden, verwenden die meisten Menschen in der Regel einen Indikator, der von der Anwesenheit oder Abwesenheit von 'laler' aka Fliegen schwärmen die Nahrung tersegut.Anggapan hat es einen Punkt, aber auch nicht vollständig zur Rechenschaft gezogen. Laut Lebensmittel-Technologie-Experte, Roy Sparringa, Fliegen könnten sich niedergelassen haben, obwohl es noch Rückstände gibt, aber die Beschränkung ist, wie viel Rückstände oder gefährliche Konzentration tersebut.Baca auch: Dies sagt Ernährungsberater Probleme Troubled Troubles BerboraksBiasanya Fliegen wollen Lebensmittel mit gefährlichen nicht nähern Materialien. Meine Frage ist, wie viel Konzentration? Bisher hat noch niemand recherchiert. Solange es so ist. Es muss bewiesen werden, sagte Roy zu DetikHealth.






Viele verschiedene Menüs, die Frühstück, wie Kompott und Süßigkeiten, verwenden (Foto: Candied Kolang-kaling)






Um Lebensmittel zu unterscheiden, die schädliche Chemikalien enthalten, ist das Unsichtbare sehr schwierig. Um das herauszufinden, fügte Roy hinzu, müssen unbedingt Proben im Labor nachgewiesen und getestet werden. Muss Formalin und Borax gemäß SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) Kollisions-Kaling getestet werden. In der Regel der Test, was, nicht zufällig, betonte Roy, der einmal als Leiter von BPOM.Roy diente, sagte die Notwendigkeit für die öffentliche Bildung und Wirtschaft Akteure in dieser Angelegenheit. Für die Selbstfermentation ist es besser, abgekochtes Wasser anstelle von Wasser aus einem unreinen Bad zu verwenden. Lesen Sie auch: Diese zwei Ergebnisse können Borid Inhalt im Essen überprüfen (hrn / up)





Senin, 05 Maret 2018

Rispetto alla dieta estrema, consumare 6 volte al giorno per perdere peso


Rispetto alla dieta estrema, consumare 6 volte al giorno per perdere peso


Jakarta, Attualmente vuole perdere peso, non poche persone che decidono di dieta estrema. Un modo è quello di eliminare un programma pasto. Secondo il nutrizionista di Keri Gans, RD, la strategia è meno efficace per aiutarti a perdere peso. L'abitudine di eliminare il tempo di mangiare rende il metabolismo del corpo diventa lento e anche le calorie bruciate si ostruiscono. Alcuni dei miei clienti ottengono migliori benefici se mangiano 5-6 piccole porzioni al giorno, specialmente donne. La maggior parte delle donne ha difficoltà a sopportare la fame in modo che al prossimo pasto diventino persino pazzi, ha detto l'autore di The Small Change Diet. Evitare di risparmiare 4 Cibo in FrigoriferoGans ha detto, con una dieta di 5-6 volte più piccole porzioni in un giorno, una persona può controllare in modo più efficace la dimensione della porzione. Si prevede che l'assunzione di porzioni non sarà eccessiva perché la persona non ha fame per molto tempo, come se mangiasse 1-2 volte al giorno. Se vuoi provare ad applicare la dieta 5-6 volte al giorno, assicurati di assumere abbastanza grassi, proteine ​​e carboidrati. Alcune opzioni che possono essere considerate includono formaggio, carote, sedano, pane di grano e uova. Un altro nutrizionista della 80 Twenty Nutrition, Christy Brissette, RD, ha affermato che oltre alla selezione del menu, è importante anche determinare il tempo di mangiare. Se si vuole mangiare più spesso con porzioni piccole, prendere l'abitudine di non lasciare a stomaco vuoto per più di quattro ore, ha detto. Leggi anche: 3 errori che possono rendere il corpo più veloce Melar (ajg / up)